Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hot Pink PepperGard!

Crime is on the Rise! Especially against
women. Now ladies wouldn't you feel
safer if you had this little Hot Pink #
on your person? I know I would. It's
always something the news about some
creep attacking someone. Take this tra-
gedy as an example...............................:

SARASOTA - The husband and father of Denise Lee saw the man who is accused of killing her for the first time on Wednesday, during pretrial motion hearings in a capital case that has garnered national attention.

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Denise Lee

The 12th Circuit courthouse on Ringling Boulevard is preparing for an onslaught of media and onlookers at the Aug. 17 trial. Those attending Wednesday's hearing had to pass through a second metal detector before entering the courtroom and leave cell phones with deputies. In addition, five Sarasota County sheriff's deputies were on hand to guard Michael King and keep order. King, 38, is charged with the January 2008 abduction and murder of Lee, a 21-year-old mother from North Port.

"I'm just glad I got it over with," Nathan Lee said of finally seeing the man charged with abducting his wife, shooting her and burying her in a shallow grave.

Meanwhile, King's attorney sought to get the trial moved out of Sarasota County,

Defense attorney Carolyn Schlemmer cited a survey of residents who had learned about the crime through news reports.

"When you read it, it is particularly disturbing," she said of comments regarding King.

Judge Deno Economou said that if a fair and impartial jury could not be found in Sarasota, he could decide to move the case.

But for now, the case is moving forward in Sarasota, and Lee's family will likely be in the courtroom for all of it.

Economou ruled that despite a lack of space, the court will make provisions for Lee's family to be in the courtroom and not view the trial from an overflow room.

That presented an immediate problem, because the jury pool of 100 would fill the gallery.

"We will have to make arrangement," Economou said of the Lee family's request to sit in the courtroom as the trial starts and the gallery is filled with potential jurors who should not have contact with the family. "Perhaps they will sit in the jury box."

King entered the courtroom clean-shaven in a yellow prison jumpsuit, orange sandals and short hair.

Also Wednesday, Economou ruled that police were justified in breaking into King's North Port home without a warrant on Jan. 17, 2008 after Denise Lee made a 911 call from King's phone. Police saw evidence of an abduction in the Sardinia Avenue house and later got a search warrant, collecting duct tape with long hair attached to it prosecutors believe was used in the abduction.

I wish that she had something like this
to protect herself from this creep. It
may have saved her life.
R.I.P Denise Amber Lee.

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If you'd like more info on
the Hot Pink PepperGuard
shoot me a email@:

I posted this on my other blog
so i just had to share with you
guys. Every woman needs to
feel safe!

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